You're reading novel "Apocalypse Cockroach" genre Action, Harem, Horror, Mature, Romance, Seinen, Supernatural on DoraNovel.ComZhang Xiao Qiang is a minor person in this dangerous apocalyptic world. Wandering around and learning the principles of the apocalypse, the dangers of the apocalypse slowly wore away his laziness and compassion. Zhang Xiao Qiang slowly becomes stronger, of course also gaining power whilst watching the madmen of the apocalypse trampling on everything. Zhang Xiao Qiang always had a bit of conscience, but he did not want to become a hero, yet he doesn’t mind sharing bread from his plate. Zhang Xiao Qiang lived in a crack of the apocalyptic world until the crack could no longer hold him. Some places have gruesome descriptions, so enter with caution!!! Zhang Xiao Qiang mantra is: “Don’t talk to me about human rights, Don’t talk to me about the law, Don’t talk to me about love!”TL note: ‘Xiao Qiang’ is slang for ‘cockroach’ but is also the name of the main character.Read novel Apocalypse Cockroach online free.We thank you for reading the free online novel on DoraNovel.Com. We wish you will have a happy and comfortable moment when traveling with us. We will try to update the latest and fastest novel to send to readers.Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. They are uploaded here, not for any bad purpose but for entertainment only.If you find any errors ( broken links, non-standard content, etc.. ), Please let us know so we can fix it as soon as possible.