You're reading novel "Shinrei Tantei Yakumo" genre Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Shoujo, Supernatural on DoraNovel.ComHaruka, consulted by a friend who ran into a ghost at school, goes to the Movie Research Circle to see a man with mysterious powers. However, the person who meets her there is an affected young man with terrible bed hair and sleepy eyes. What does Haruka consult him about? A confinement and murder case at a women’s university, a false suicide case… The great detective who can see the spirits of the dead, Saitou Yakumo, takes these cases on in this astoundingly high-speed spiritual mystery!Read novel Shinrei Tantei Yakumo online free.We thank you for reading the free online novel on DoraNovel.Com. We wish you will have a happy and comfortable moment when traveling with us. We will try to update the latest and fastest novel to send to readers.Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. They are uploaded here, not for any bad purpose but for entertainment only.If you find any errors ( broken links, non-standard content, etc.. ), Please let us know so we can fix it as soon as possible.